Islamic Concepts

I hope this blog would be found useful.I decided to make its theme about introducing islam for non-muslims and trying to correct many misconceptions that people have.I would be grateful to receive ur comments,but please no insults,fightings and so on.The site is for decent wise people who wanna have a rational discussion and not a quarrel.This is about seeking the truth ,so you shouldn't be fanatic about one thing when- logically -it seems wrong.

11 March 2006

Sticking to the wrong concept

Why people stick to a wrong belief or a wrong judgement ?May be they simply don't know they are wrong , but is that the only reason? Or are there other causes that make people stick to a wrong concept.? Well I thought of many causes which will be listed here (in an unordered way),then each one will be discussed in more details in seperate posts in shaa Allah(God's willing).

  1. Ignorance: Many might be believing strongly in their ideas , because they don't know the other correct concepts.They have never heard of these or they did, but was informed about them in a misleading way. While some blame falls on the victims of these wrong beliefs for not doing much more effort seeking the truth , the majority of the blame falls on the others who knew the truth ,yet didn't inform the world about it or at least didn't inform them in a correct way.
2. Arrogance: The big sin!! Arrogance means that you feel you're much better than the others and feel so proud with yourself.What does it have to do with all this? Well you feel that you can't be wrong and you don't want to admit you're wrong, so you keep sticking to the wrong beliefs.

3. Envy and Hate: Somehow overlapped with Arrogance. Just as you hate to be wrong , you hate that others are right and you hate them for that. You also envy them because you feel they are doing the right thing and you are doing the wrong , so you want them one day to go astray just like you (This is envy: To wish that people lose the good things they got).

4-Desires: We all got our desires, but they have to be controlled.They should not interfere with our judgmeent. The problem here is that some people are totally controlled my their desires and they would not change the wrong way they are walking in because it might mean they should give up some things that satisfy their desires..

5-Fear: Fear what? Fear losing my position , my money , my beloved ones. Fear people making fun of me. Fear the authorities capturing me.. If I say my opinion or the words of truth , all this might happen to me..

6-Habit: Some people do things OUT OF HABIT, for example, working in a job they don't like just as a routine with no ambition, no enjoyment , nothing.. They just found themselves there, and while this is acceptable as temporary job for the cash , it shouldn't be your permenant job(unless you start to like it).Same applies here..Some people just was taught a concept that they just believe in without even once thinking or reasoning it out. They just found themselves in the queue , so they stood there without ever thinking :"what am I doing here".

7-Devils:Devils are all living beings that make evil plans to push you to go astray.They include devils form the world of Jinn(Satan and his followers) and from the world of humans (all bad guys..)

As you must have noticed, there is some degree of overlap between the different causes.Usually more than one exist in an individual.

It is worthnoting that the first 6 causes all originate from your SELF , while the seventh is the only one in which others are involved. This explains why prophet mohamad(pbuh) said that:" Your most dangerous enemy is your SELF that you hold inside" Also once after returning with the Muslim army from a battle with the heretics , he said" We came back from the minor Jihad(fight) to the major Jihad", meaning that struggling with your Self everyday to make it walk in the right path is the major most difficult fight..

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