The Existance Of One God
Many questions arise in people's minds that make them doubt the existence of a God. These include:
So is there a God or not?
Actually yes and actually to reason this is simple and easy just as we believe that 1+1=2.. and here is why:
Look at the laws that govern people livings in any country.. were they made by chance or did some people made them and applied then to organize things.
Now look at nature : the organized movement of the celestial bodies,the life cycle of differnet species, the immigration of differnet species, Look at the human body where millions of chemical reactions take place every second. Who is controlling these, you might say scientific rules and who made and is controlling these rules.??
In other words , look at anything .. did it just arise haphazardly with laws of nature there and enough for it or some inventors and makers were needed to make it and make it in an ideal way....
There are laws and rules that govern everything and there is a being with all the power and knowledge who made these laws and have full control over them.
If things were left for the laws of nature alone, Chaos would have been the rule with consequent disappearance of life in the universe over decades,but because there is complete control over these laws and these laws were made in a perfect way, life continues in a perfect harmonious way.
Here are some ayas from koran about that previous point:
When Coppernicus and Galileo said that it's the earth that moved around the sun, some people thought they are nuts and Galileo actually was sent to trial and got life prison at home!! Why , cause they were used to the idea that the earth is the centre of the universe and the sun orbits around it... Now we know that Coppernicus and Galileo were right......
The point I am trying to reach is : Who said that only things that we see are true and thinknig or believing in unseen things is nonsense.. Actually the seen things might be deceiving as in that earth and sun story. And the wise people and the real scientists are the ones who believe that there are many things that we don't know about and that we don't see , yet they exist...
So not seeing God does not mean he is not there, especially when he sends prophets to tell us about him and especially when we look at all things in life that almost say :someone created me in that logical harmonious way".
Well guess what... I agree with several points in this .. I agree that there are other worlds and that most things are relative!! You know why.. cause Allah said so in the Koran. He says in it about himself many things including that he is "The Truth" and that other things are false!!" Yes everything is relative , could or could not exist . You can see a human now infront of you , but in another world he is not seen .. or even here at certain time he will die and be transformed again into the elements:(hydrogen. silicon. nitrogen...).
So what are the mistakes in that heretics' point of view:
1: Everything is relative EXCEPT FOR GOD , that's why he says: Allah is the truth and else is false.. He is the source... the originator ...... He can't be transformed , ain't relative to anything else ,simply cause he is not comparable to anything else cause there's no other god to compare them together( You compare things that alike , but you can't compare something that is unique) and the only unique in this universe is ALLAH(God).
2:There are other worlds ( world of Jinn for example as mentioned in all holy books) , but this doesn't mean that you do not exist. WE , YOU and I all exist . Being not seen in other worlds or being transformable , doesn't mean that we do not exist... ( P.S: Jinn can see us as Allah say in koran," ....Indeed he(satan) sees you( Children of Adam) and his allies from where you do not see them.."7-27.
We all know the scientific rule that says: Energy is neither created nor destroyed.. So why believe in this yet find it difficult to believe that God is neither created nor destroyed. He was always there because he was not created and will always be there as he is not destroyed..
He is the source , originator and creator of energy so I find it more logically to say:
The creator of energy is the one who is neither created nor destroyed
Besides if there are more than one God (like old greek myth) Chaos would have been the rule .. We all know that you can't place two leaders on the same place , else it will fall apart.
Koran says: " Had there been other gods within heavens and earth with Allah , they both would have been ruined.." 21-22
Also why ain't these Gods claiming the throne:
"If there were other Gods with Allah, they would have sought the throne..." 17-42. ( around 300 links to islamic sites and increasing).
- Where is he? What does he look like? Why can't we see him? Who made him? Where does God fit in with science?
- Everything has an explanation, so how can I believe in something or someone that I can't see, hear or talk to?
- Relativity..God himself could be relative!! Everything is relative and could be completely different when seen from another point of view or even from another dimension. Relativity applies to God too..(If you can't get this point , don't blame me , I heard it from a heretic) So...isn't the existence of God relative?
- So if there is a God .. how many are there? Why only one ? There are always billions and trillions of every species, object or kind...
So is there a God or not?
Actually yes and actually to reason this is simple and easy just as we believe that 1+1=2.. and here is why:
- There must be a creator:
Look at the laws that govern people livings in any country.. were they made by chance or did some people made them and applied then to organize things.
Now look at nature : the organized movement of the celestial bodies,the life cycle of differnet species, the immigration of differnet species, Look at the human body where millions of chemical reactions take place every second. Who is controlling these, you might say scientific rules and who made and is controlling these rules.??
In other words , look at anything .. did it just arise haphazardly with laws of nature there and enough for it or some inventors and makers were needed to make it and make it in an ideal way....
There are laws and rules that govern everything and there is a being with all the power and knowledge who made these laws and have full control over them.
If things were left for the laws of nature alone, Chaos would have been the rule with consequent disappearance of life in the universe over decades,but because there is complete control over these laws and these laws were made in a perfect way, life continues in a perfect harmonious way.
Here are some ayas from koran about that previous point:
- 56.57] We have created you, why do you not then assent?
[56.58] Have you considered the seed?
[56.59] Is it you that create it or are We the creators?
[56.60] We have ordained death among you and We are not to be overcome,
[56.61] In order that We may bring in your place the likes of you and make you grow into what you know not.
[56.62] And certainly you know the first growth, why do you not then mind?
[56.63] Have you considered what you sow?
[56.64] Is it you that cause it to grow, or are We the causers of growth?
[56.65] If We pleased, We should have certainly made it broken down into pieces, then would you begin tb lament:
[56.66] Surely we are burdened with debt:
[56.67] Nay! we are deprived.
[56.68] Have you considered the water which you drink?
[56.69] Is it you that send it down from the clouds, or are We the senders?
[56.70] If We pleased, We would have made it salty; why do you not then give thanks?
[56.71] Have you considered the fire which you strike?
[56.72] Is it you that produce the trees for it, or are We the producers?
[56.73] We have made it a reminder and an advantage for the wayfarers of the desert.
[56.74] Therefore glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.
- [2.164] Most surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day, and the ships that run in the sea with that which profits men, and the water that Allah sends down from the cloud, then gives life with it to the earth after its death and spreads in it all (kinds of) animals, and the changing of the winds and the clouds made subservient between the heaven and the earth, there are signs for a people who understand.
- [27.59] Say: Praise be to Allah and peace on His servants whom He has chosen: is Allah better, or what they associate (with Him)?
[27.60] Nay, He Who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down for you water from the cloud; then We cause to grow thereby beautiful gardens; it is not possible for you that you should make the trees thereof to grow. Is there a god with Allah? Nay! they are people who deviate.
[27.61] Or, Who made the earth a restingplace, and made in it rivers, and raised on it mountains and placed between the two seas a barrier. Is there a god with Allah? Nay! most of them do not know!
[27.62] Or, Who answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him and removes the evil, and He will make you successors in the earth. Is there a god with Allah? Little is it that you mind!
[27.63] Or, Who guides you in utter darkness of the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as good news before His mercy. Is there a god with Allah? Exalted by Allah above what they associate (with Him).
[27.64] Or, Who originates the creation, then reproduces it and Who gives you sustenance from the heaven and the earth. Is there a god With Allah? Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful.
[27.65] Say: No one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen but Allah; and they do not know when they shall be raised.
[27.66] Nay, their knowledge respecting the hereafter is slight and hasty; nay, they are in doubt about it; nay, they are quite blind to
- Then why can't we see him?
When Coppernicus and Galileo said that it's the earth that moved around the sun, some people thought they are nuts and Galileo actually was sent to trial and got life prison at home!! Why , cause they were used to the idea that the earth is the centre of the universe and the sun orbits around it... Now we know that Coppernicus and Galileo were right......
The point I am trying to reach is : Who said that only things that we see are true and thinknig or believing in unseen things is nonsense.. Actually the seen things might be deceiving as in that earth and sun story. And the wise people and the real scientists are the ones who believe that there are many things that we don't know about and that we don't see , yet they exist...
So not seeing God does not mean he is not there, especially when he sends prophets to tell us about him and especially when we look at all things in life that almost say :someone created me in that logical harmonious way".
- What about relativity?
Well guess what... I agree with several points in this .. I agree that there are other worlds and that most things are relative!! You know why.. cause Allah said so in the Koran. He says in it about himself many things including that he is "The Truth" and that other things are false!!" Yes everything is relative , could or could not exist . You can see a human now infront of you , but in another world he is not seen .. or even here at certain time he will die and be transformed again into the elements:(hydrogen. silicon. nitrogen...).
So what are the mistakes in that heretics' point of view:
1: Everything is relative EXCEPT FOR GOD , that's why he says: Allah is the truth and else is false.. He is the source... the originator ...... He can't be transformed , ain't relative to anything else ,simply cause he is not comparable to anything else cause there's no other god to compare them together( You compare things that alike , but you can't compare something that is unique) and the only unique in this universe is ALLAH(God).
2:There are other worlds ( world of Jinn for example as mentioned in all holy books) , but this doesn't mean that you do not exist. WE , YOU and I all exist . Being not seen in other worlds or being transformable , doesn't mean that we do not exist... ( P.S: Jinn can see us as Allah say in koran," ....Indeed he(satan) sees you( Children of Adam) and his allies from where you do not see them.."7-27.
- So who created him??
We all know the scientific rule that says: Energy is neither created nor destroyed.. So why believe in this yet find it difficult to believe that God is neither created nor destroyed. He was always there because he was not created and will always be there as he is not destroyed..
He is the source , originator and creator of energy so I find it more logically to say:
The creator of energy is the one who is neither created nor destroyed
- So how many gods, why only one???
Besides if there are more than one God (like old greek myth) Chaos would have been the rule .. We all know that you can't place two leaders on the same place , else it will fall apart.
Koran says: " Had there been other gods within heavens and earth with Allah , they both would have been ruined.." 21-22
Also why ain't these Gods claiming the throne:
"If there were other Gods with Allah, they would have sought the throne..." 17-42.
- What does he look alike? ( around 300 links to islamic sites and increasing).
peace be upon you Father Valentine
I just wanted to thank you for your help and your nice words.I wanted to mail you ,but don't have your email so decided to leave a comment here
May God guide us all to the right way..
Peace be upon you
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