Some Ayas from Koran regarding creation and natural phenomenas.
In this post , I am just mentioning some Ayas from Koran showing that differnet natural phenomenas are occuring goverened by Allah through his scientific laws. ( I already mentioend some in my first post about the existance of one God).
These are just some of many ayas in Koran talking about creation and natural phenomenas.As you can see , it's all God's creation , for example , He send rain using the laws that govern the water cycle...
Again , the prescence of scientific explanation for things doesn't mean there is no God , actually it's a proof that he exists. ,links to around 300 islamic sites and increasing...
- [6.95] Surely Allah causes the grain and the date-stone to germinate; He brings forth the living from the dead and He is the bringer forth of the dead from the living; that is Allah! how are you then turned away.
[6.96] He causes the dawn to break; and He has made the night for rest, and the sun and the moon for reckoning; this is an arrangement of the Mighty, the Knowing.
[6.97] And He it is Who has made the stars for you that you might follow the right way thereby in the darkness of the land and the sea; truly We have made plain the communications for a people who know.
[6.98] And He it is Who has brought you into being from a single soul, then there is (for you) a resting-place and a depository; indeed We have made plain the communications for a people who understand.
[6.99] And He it is Who sends down water from the cloud, then We bring forth with it buds of all (plants), then We bring forth from it green (foliage) from which We produce grain piled up (in the ear); and of the palm-tree, of the sheaths of it, come forth clusters (of dates) within reach, and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates, alike and unlike; behold the fruit of it when it yields the fruit and the ripening of it; most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe.
- [7.57] And He it is Who sends forth the winds bearing good news before His mercy, until, when they bring up a laden cloud, We drive it to a dead land, then We send down water on it, then bring forth with it of fruits of all kinds; thus shall We bring forth the dead that you may be mindful.
[7.58] And as for the good land, its vegetation springs forth (abundantly) by the permission of its Lord, and (as for) that which is inferior (its herbage) comes forth but scantily; thus do We repeat the communications for a people who give thanks.
- [13.12] He it is Who shows you the lightning causing fear and hope and (Who) brings up the heavy cloud.
[13.13] And the thunder declares His glory with His praise, and the angels too for awe of Him; and He sends the thunderbolts and smites with them whom He pleases, yet they dispute concerning Allah, and He is mighty in prowess.
- [16.3] He created the heavens and the earth with the truth, highly exalted be He above what they associate (with Him).
[16.4] He created man from a small seed and lo! he is an open contender.
[16.5] And He created the cattle for you; you have in them warm clothing and (many) advantages, and of them do you eat.
[16.6] And there is beauty in them for you when you drive them back (to home), and when you send them forth (to pasture).
[16.7] And they carry your heavy loads to regions which you could not reach but with distress of the souls; most surely your Lord is Compassionate, Merciful.
[16.8] And (He made) horses and mules and asses that you might ride upon them and as an ornament; and He creates what you do not know.
[16.9] And upon Allah it rests to show the right way, and there are some deviating (ways); and if He please He would certainly guide you all aright.
[16.10] He it is Who sends down water from the cloud for you; it gives drink, and by it (grow) the trees upon which you pasture.
[16.11] He causes to grow for you thereby herbage, and the olives, and the palm trees, and the grapes, and of all the fruits; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect.
[16.12] And He has made subservient for you the night and the day and the sun and the moon, and the stars are made subservient by His commandment; most surely there are signs in this for a people who ponder;
[16.13] And what He has created in the earth of varied hues most surely there is a sign in this for a people who are mindful.
[16.14] And He it is Who has made the sea subservient that you may eat fresh flesh from it and bring forth from it ornaments which you wear, and you see the ships cleaving through it, and that you might seek of His bounty and that you may give thanks.
[16.15] And He has cast great mountains in the earth lest it might be convulsed with you, and rivers and roads that you may go aright,
[16.16] And landmarks; and by the stars they find the right way.
[16.17] Is He then Who creates like him who does not create? Do you not then mind?
[16.18] And if you would count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
- [27.59] Say: Praise be to Allah and peace on His servants whom He has chosen: is Allah better, or what they associate (with Him)?
[27.60] Nay, He Who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down for you water from the cloud; then We cause to grow thereby beautiful gardens; it is not possible for you that you should make the trees thereof to grow. Is there a god with Allah? Nay! they are people who deviate.
[27.61] Or, Who made the earth a restingplace, and made in it rivers, and raised on it mountains and placed between the two seas a barrier. Is there a god with Allah? Nay! most of them do not know!
[27.62] Or, Who answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him and removes the evil, and He will make you successors in the earth. Is there a god with Allah? Little is it that you mind!
[27.63] Or, Who guides you in utter darkness of the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as good news before His mercy. Is there a god with Allah? Exalted by Allah above what they associate (with Him).
[27.64] Or, Who originates the creation, then reproduces it and Who gives you sustenance from the heaven and the earth. Is there a god With Allah? Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful.
[27.65] Say: No one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen but Allah; and they do not know when they shall be raised.
[27.66] Nay, their knowledge respecting the hereafter is slight and hasty; nay, they are in doubt about it; nay, they are quite blind to
- [78.6] Have We not made the earth an even expanse?
[78.7] And the mountains as projections (thereon)?
[78.8] And We created you in pairs,
[78.9] And We made your sleep to be rest (to you),
[78.10] And We made the night to be a covering,
[78.11] And We made the day for seeking livelihood. ~2. And We made above you seven strong ones,
[78.13] And We made a shining lamp,
[78.14] And We send down from the clouds water pouring forth abundantly,
[78.15] That We may bring forth thereby corn and herbs,
[78.16] And gardens dense and luxuriant.
[78.17] Surely the day of decision is (a day) appointed
These are just some of many ayas in Koran talking about creation and natural phenomenas.As you can see , it's all God's creation , for example , He send rain using the laws that govern the water cycle...
Again , the prescence of scientific explanation for things doesn't mean there is no God , actually it's a proof that he exists. ,links to around 300 islamic sites and increasing...
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